Bara AgEquip Hire Ltd (BAE) focuses on the following:
❖ BAE provides tractors and farm equipment for hire in Nigeria:
▪ Provides Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Clearing, Preparation and Cultivation techniques using SLM Contouring and SLM Primary Minimum Tillage/Conservation of Agricultural Land
▪ SLM development approaches will provide better soils and increased production and create Climate Smart outcomes
▪ Offers SLM contracting services for planting, crop protection and harvesting with an initial focus on cassava production
❖ Professional Agribusiness Management team with significant agribusiness experience and the operation of tractors and farm equipment in Nigeria and elsewhere in Africa
❖ BAE offers mechanized support for agribusinesses and farmers and provide contracting services to organizations who would like a fixed cost for mechanization
❖ BAE provides expert and professionally trained operations personnel, saving organizations training
and operations expenses for mechanization